
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp merci d'avance . C'est un texte avec des question . Le texte est dans le lien . Aussi pour repondre ils faut le prouvé .

What kind of document is it ?

Who is the narrator ?

Where is she ?

What is the problem mentionet? in magazin collet ....

What about you ?

What do you use for eating ?

Répondre :


1- This document comes from a website called 'Delishably.com'.

2- The narrator is Cynthia B. Turner.

3- She is having dinner  in a Thai restaurant in the United States, probably in the state of Georgia. (tu n'es pas obligé de le mettre, mais dans les commentaires tout en bas de l'article, c'est écrit 'Georgia' après son nom.....)

4- The problem mentionned is :"Are chopsticks used for eating in Thailand ? "

 In magazin collet...je ne comprends pas ????

5- What about you?

  I enjoy eating with shopsticks in a Japanese or Chinese restaurant although it took me some time at the beginning to use them correctly. I have already been in a Thai restaurant and I have to admit they didn't have any chopsticks.

6- What do you use for eating ?

I usually use a fork and a knive, but if I eat sushi, which I love, I'll use chopsticks. My mum have plenty of them she bought in Asia when travelling there. And to be honest, I sometimes like eating with my fingers if I eat chicken !!!

(à toi de piocher dans ce que j'ai écrit pour les questions 5 et 6. Désolé de ne pas avoir compris la 2nde partie de la question 4 "in magazin collet..)

bonne journée :)

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