
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plait en anglais je dois faire le texte a trou de Michael Jackson les mots suivant sont: rumor/die/release/arrest/marry/surround/be/become/release/start/have/charge/join/ sell/name/administer/plan/rise/divorce/award/release/nickname/acquit/

Michael Jackson.......born on August 29th , 1958 in Gary
Indiana.AT the age of 5 he.........his brother as the lead singer of
their band.The band ........the Jackson 5.The group quickly
..........to fame with four consecutive number one hits.In 1962 Michael Jackson .....his first solo hit : Bad 7 years later his album off the wall....... . Michael ........the first solo artist to have 4 top ten singles . 20 millions copies of off the wall....... . In 1982 the song thriller ......... . The song.....8 Grammies . After that Michael ....the King of Pop.

During the eighties lots of contoversies.......Jackson:He ........some operations of plastic surgery and he......to whiten his skin.Moreover he .......with child molestations in 1993.The years after he....Lisa Presley but they.....later.Michael Jackson ..........two children through artificial insemination .In 2005 Jackson ........for lewd act against a minor but he....later....... .
In 2009 Michael Jackson ........a series of concerts all around the world .Michael Jackson .......on June 25th , 2009 after suffering cardiac arrest because of medicines which .........by his doctor.

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Michael Jackson .was.born on August 29th , 1958 in Gary


AT the age of 5 he...joined......his brother as the lead singer of

their band.

The band ......         .the Jackson 5.

The group quickly....rose..to fame with four consecutive number one hits.

In 1962 Michael Jackson ....              .his first solo hit : Bad

7 years later his album off the wall..               ..... .

Michael became the first solo artist to have 4 top ten singles .

20 millions copies of off the wall .have been sold.. .

In 1982 the song thriller .........       .

The song.... awarded ?????.8 Grammies .

After that Michael's nickname was the King of Pop.

During the eighties lots of contoversies...              ....Jackson:

He planed some operations of plastic surgery and he......to whiten his skin.

Moreover he ..............rumors....with child molestations in 1993.

The years after he married Lisa Presley but they divorced later.

Michael Jackson ......had....two children through artificial insemination .In 2005 Jackson .....was arrested.for lewd act against a minor but he.was acquitted (????)........later.charges...... .

In 2009 Michael Jackson ........a series of concerts all around the world .Michael Jackson died on June 25th , 2009 after suffering cardiac arrest because of medicines which were administered by his doctor.