
Bonjour je n’arrive pas à répondre à cette question

Il faut que j’explique à une anglaise notre système scolaire au collège avec les 4 année en précisant la 3 ème avec le brevet les horaires de 8h15 à 16h30 et pour ce qui sorte tard à 17h20 les différentes matières.

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Hi ! I'm going to explain to you our educational system in France. We spend four years in the middle school, there are four different classes. When we are coming to the last one, we have to pass an exam at the end of the year. We call it "Brevet". We learn different school subjects : french-language, english, social-studies, mathematics, physics and technologies. Sometimes, we even learn italian, spanish or german too. To improve ourselves in those subjects, we spend approximately 8 hours per day at school, from 8.15 am to 4.30 pm. Sometimes we even end at 5.20 pm. How about your school system ? Is it so different than ours ?