
Besoin d'aide !!! Slp
Bonjour il faut raconter mes vacances de Noël en 50 mots slp

-Pondent le réveillon de Noël nous avons manger entre famille et le lendemain on a ouvert les cadeau.
A Noël nous étions en réunion de famille.

-à la veille du nouvelle on nous avons été chez mes cousins on a bien s'amuser on été même on sueurs,on a réussit a éveillé jusqu'au matin .

- et les autres jour j'ai fait mes devoir, j'ai fait du basket-ball ,j'ai été rester chez moi mais c'était bien . je me suis pas du tout ennuyé.

Merci en avance

Répondre :


-During Christmas Eve we ate with our family and the next day we opened the gifts.

At Christmas we were at a family meeting.

-On the eve of the news we went to my cousins' house, we had a good time, we even had a sweat, we managed to wake up until the morning.  

- and the other days I did my duty, I played basketball, I went to stay home but it was good... I wasn't bored at all.

bonne journée


Je t'est corrigé(e) quelques erreurs:

→-During Christmas Eve we ate with our family and the next day we opened the gifts. At Christmas we were at a family meeting. -On the eve of the news we went to my cousins'; house, we had a good time, we even had a sweat, we managed to wake up until the morning. - and the other days I did my duty, I played basketball, I went to stay home but it was good. . . I wasn't bored at all.