
Bonsoir j'ai de l'anglais a faire et je n y arrive pas il faut parler de l'histoire de Elis Island (le vécu de cette ile , la cause du transfert des imigrés) en 10 line s'il vous plait pas de copier coller et un texte en anglais .Merci d'avance

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The island was the subject of quarrel between two states.The natural part belongs to the city of New York in the state of the same name.

The artificial part is located on the territory of the city of Jersey City in New jersey.

It is located at the mouth of the Hudson River. The island of Liberty Island is a few hundred yards away.

Here you will find the Statue of liberty of Bartholdi. This was done with the help of Gustave Eiffel.

This island has a history on American immigration compulsory passage imposed for all applicants for expatriation, to be allowed to tread the American soil .

There were 62 years of activity and 12 million of people went through the center of Ellis Island , 8 million were allowed to enter the country.

j'espére que ca t iras  c'est un peu dur de faire  10 lignes