
Décris et analyse ce dessin, (ci-dessous les questions pour te guider) - environ 10 lignes

1 - Describe > Who ? How do they look ?

2 - Describe the situation > What ?

3 - Analyse > Whats is wrong ?

4 - Message > What does this drawing tell us ?

Liste (phrase simples avec des tirets), 3 côtés négatifs et 3 côtés positifs des réseaux sociaux et d'internet en général

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Décris Et Analyse Ce Dessin Cidessous Les Questions Pour Te Guider Environ 10 Lignes 1 Describe Gt Who How Do They Look 2 Describe The Situation Gt What 3 Analy class=

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1. The left boy looks great and he is kind with the other guy and this guy is tired and not very well.

2. They speak together and the first ask the second if he is okay and he answer that the first boy must go and read in his blog to know what's happend .

3. The second boy has maybe a problem and he post it on his blog.

4.This drawing tell us that the new generation speak only by texto and they communicate only by technology .

Voilà ! J'espere que ça va t'aider ! Je n'ai pas pu avoir le temps de faire le reste dsl !