

je dois écrire 10 lignes pour dire de quoi parle cette vidéo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AAXZB1Vbr7o et dire quels sont les différents messages de la video.

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This video has been made by  the Official Olympic Campaign for the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016. The name of this campaign is "Together".

Athletes are trying to do better and better not to fight against each other but to win for a better world. The music lyrics really describes the aim of this campaign : "There's something in your heart and it's in your eyes, it's the fire inside you; let it burn, I'm not alone; I am a room full of friends, a crowd full of cheers, I am full of wonders, I am you and together we can change the world.

Through this campaign, we are told that if we are always fighting together to do better, we must be taking the same approach, we must be looking in the same direction : a better world .

The Olympic Games are a way to join forces, to get united.

en espérant que cela te convienne

bonne fin de soirée ☺☺☺