
Bonjour tous le monde j'ai un dialogue en anglais a faire aidez moi svp! la consigne est de faire un dialogue avec un de tes parents ou les deux en 20 répliques sur une tache qui est pénible pour nous mais que tes parents veulent qu'on fasse ( par exemple ranger sa chambre, faire le ménage…) et on a des phrases qu'on doit reprendre pour faire ce dialogue : même si vous faites ce dialogue en Français ce n'est pas grave j'essayerai de le traduire en anglais

What's the matter with you? /What's wrong with you? = qu'est ce qui ne vas pas?
You're so annoying= tu es embettant
Are you crazy?= Es tu folle?
Everybody else does it!= tout le monde le f
I can't believe it!= je ne peux pas le croire
I don't want you to do that!= je ne veux pas que tu fasse ca
Stop yelling at me!= arrête de crier
I don't care!= Je m'en fiche
Don't you trust me ?= Ne me fais tu pas confiance?
Be quiet, now!= tais toi
That's not fair!= ce n'est pas juste
You should be more respecful to yours parents!= tu devrais respecter tes parents
Merci a ceux qui m'aideront

Répondre :


I was happily minding my business, by that I mean get ready to go out with friends, when my mother stormed in my bedroom yelling at me.

-what's the matter with you ?

-what? I asked in return

-didn't I told you to do your homework before going out ?

OK, maybe I have a few problems when it comes to having a good

grade but there's plenty of time for this.

-yes but I can do it later.

- no, you do it now ! she yelled.

-you're so annoying. I said I'll do it later, isn't it enough ! I yelled back.

-are you crazy, how dare you talk to me like that ?!

- everybody else does it ! don't be stupid ! I automatically replied.

-I can't believe it ! why do I have to fight every time it comes to school ? you know what, if you don't do as I say, you're gonna get grounded for the rest of this year ! Is that what you want ?!

-I don't want you to do that ! I yelled

-Stop yelling at me ! I'm your mother !

-I don't care ! Don't you trust me ?

-Be quiet, now ! and no I don't. and by the way, you are officially grounded for the rest of the year ! she finished storming out of my room.

-that's not fair ! I yelled back pushing everything in my way.

-you should be more respectful to your parents ! I heard her yelled from downstairs.


hope you don't mind me adding a few sentences. feel free to correct me or getting rid of the sentences, I wouldn't mind. ❤