
bonjour,est ce que quelqu’un peut m’aider pour mon dm de d’anglais s’il vous plaît, je n’y arrive pas ...
il faut pas détaillé beaucoup mais faire au moins quelques phrase
voici les questions :

A Read the first two paragraphs.
1)Where did the author grow up ?

2)when is australia day celebrated ?

3)how is australia day traditionally celebrated?

B.focus on the third paragraph :
1)list the things the author loves about australia

C) focus on the last paragrph
1)does the author want to keep the date or change it ? Sum up her arguments.

Bonjourest Ce Que Quelquun Peut Maider Pour Mon Dm De Danglais Sil Vous Plaît Je Ny Arrive Pas Il Faut Pas Détaillé Beaucoup Mais Faire Au Moins Quelques Phrase class=

Répondre :


1) The author grew up in a small town about three hours away from Perth, inland. Its on Nyaki-Nyaki Noongar country.

2) Australia day is celebrated on January the 26th.

3) Australia day is traditionally celebrated by going to the pool and having fun to some parties and celebrate the day.


1) The things that the author loves about Australia are that there is a 60000 years history and that they built cosmopolitans hubs, he's proud to have the best universities in his country and tourists that come from all around the world


1) The author would like to change the date of the Australia day because he finds very powerful the way that they can change a date all together and be original.

Réponse :

Explications :

1- The author grew up in Autralia  precisely in a small town, next to Niaky - Niaky noongar country , in inland.

2-Australia day celebrated january 26 .

3- Australian celebrated traditionally day with her friends, in a pool party.

B1-  He loves :

- The quality of school, university

-quality of hospitals

-the pit of differents cultures

C- the author does want to keep the date or change it given that it's incredibly powerful would that be and it isn't an important or positive date.

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