
Bonjour, j'aurai besoin de vous pour une expression écrite en anglais. Merci à ceux qui m'aideront.

- Le thème est l'intelligence artificielle.
- Elle doit être rédigée avec 120 mots minimum.
- Ne pas oublier le futur.
- Ne pas mettre d'introduction et pas de conclusion.

Vous devez inclure plusieurs exemples:
- Aident à l'humains
- Accessoires de la maison (Facilité à la maison)
- Facilité aux travaux
- Nouvelles technologies

Vocabulaire: (Pas obligatoire mais voila... )
- On the one hand : D'un côté
- On the other hand: D'un autre côté

Le sujet est: How helpful or dangerous could robots be at work ? Give your opinion.

Je mets ce devoir sur 20 points, car il est très important pour moi. Je remercierai la réponse qui m'ait été plus utile.

Répondre :

Tu peux commencer avec une phrase du style
When we think about robots, we think about the futur and also about their expanding skills some people can find them really helpful and some can actually feel threatened by them or even feel replaced by them.
On the one hand we can see how our life has improved since they have been created. They help with a lot of things for example they can help to toast our bread each morning . They can perform tasks faster than humans. They also tolerate hostile environments for humans . They can do things that are really dangerous for us for example during the Fukushima Daiishi nuclear disaster robots helped us a lot because it was really dangerous for human being to get exposed to the radiation caused by that disaster. It can cause cancer and eventually lead to death. The futur of robotics sound exciting , a lot of engineers are designing the next generation of robots that will look, feel and act more human which brings us to our next point it can be exciting to some of us but on the other hand it can frighten some when we think about it they can be the next concurrent of human beings some of them are extremely intelligent even more than us they maybe one day can “rule the world” who knows?
J’espère que je t’aurais un peu aidé sens toi libre de modifier des éléments
Tu peux compléter la rédaction je ne sais pas si il y’a 120 mots
Et aussi si il y a des fautes je m’en excuse .
Bonne soirée et Bonne année