
Bonjour à tous voila je prépare mon CCF d'anglais qui aura lieu en Juin je
dois choisir un sujet et une problématique j'ai choisie la problématique
qui est : "Comment Angelina Jolie utilise-t-elle sa notoriété dans l'aide
humanitaire" j'aurais bien aimée que vous me donniez vos idées svp Merci
d'avance ;)

Répondre :

Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She likes a lot to help people. According to her fortune and to her name, she spends time making humanitary helps. She is gestion married with Brad Pitt and she has children. She wants to give the example of a perfect woman and mother in a sane body. Recently, she has had an operation on her chest. she wanted to become the example of millions women having a cancer of the chest. it is also a hobby for this woman to fight against cancer, and others illness like poverty in Africa. I think that she is very busy in her life between movies and humanitaries helps. and she likes the occupation and she hates to annoy.