Bonjour, ceci est mon oral d'anglais pour la notion Espaces et échanges. Je voudrais savoir s'il y avait des fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire et de syntaxe et éventuellement si vous auriez rajouter quelques choses. Merci d'avance !
I’m going to talk about the notion Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion : the different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected. The exchanges can appear on many forms : people, trade, information. The immigration is linked to this notion. So what attracts immigrants to leave their country and go and live in USA ?
On the one hand, we will see why people leave their country. There is many reasons why people migrate. Migrants leave their country for perhaps avoided war or fleeing an authoritarian country. They want to escape poverty and misery. Their country is hit by famine, unemployment. With a chart, we see in spite of the policy of tight border controls, Mexican immigrants represents more than a quarter of the immigration in the USA. Also, Chinese people are quite prominent into as well as Philippines : the former fleeing from oppression and want and the latter escaping misery.
On the other hand, we will see why immigrants come to the USA. Among the many migrants, there are English. British immigration is persistent due to the facilities to adapt to the language and the “American way of life”. We saw in class, posts by two immigrants to the USA. Both came from poor countries. Kayla probably escaped from political persecutions unlike Miguel who wanted to study there and find a job to match his expectations. Now, Kayla seems happy and proud to be an American citizen although, New York was not what she had imagined at first when she watched TV in Cuba. As for Miguel, he is studying in a prestigious university (perhaps in Ivy League University) to succeed and improve his life. However, he has to exert an unskilled and rather low-paid job in order to pay for his university fees and for his general expenses.
To conclude, people leave their country because they want to live in a country less oppressive and richer. They come to the USA to live the American Dream. It’s the ideal of freedom, equality and opportunity held to be available to every American. They want to live a life of happiness.
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