
Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide. Pour un devoir en anglais.

Il faut raconter une histoire qui fais peur.

Pas trop compliqué, parce que j'ai un petit niveau d'anglais est il faut qu'elle croit que c'est quand même moi qui l'ai fais. ://

Merci beaucoup a ceux qui m'aideront.

Répondre :

Last week, I went to a party and I heard a very scary sound...Next, someone walk very fast behind me..so I ran, and the person ran too...soudenly, the person took my hand so I cried !!  The person was a woman but I can't saw her face. She said : I am gonna kill you if you don't do what I want.
So I said : I do everything you want, I promes !. And she left me in a dark road in the night..alone..without money..without phone... Anybody help me when they saw me..they juste ran because I had some blud in my face..I went to my home..and..the woman was here.. she said something but I didn't understood...and..she killed me..Now i'm die....and anybody knows where i am... .............