

La population de Londres en a assez de la situation dans l’East End: criminalité, insalubrité, exploitation des enfants pauvres...
Un groupe de personnes à l’origine de cette protestation a décidé de les aider en s’adressant directement à la reine Victoria, et tu es chargé(e) de rédiger la pétition.

Voici le plan qu’on t’a suggéré. Sers-t-en pour rédiger ton texte :

1) describe the situation, (décrire la situation)

2) suggest what is needed, (suggérer des mesures, des solutions)

3) explain why it is needed. (expliquer en quoi elles sont nécessaires)

Ce travail doit être renvoyé rédigé sur une copie.

Your Majesty,
The people in the East End...

Répondre :

Your Majesty,

The people in the East End live in unbearable conditions.
Their area is always dirty and there are more and more thieves and villains.Crimes is rising day after day.
Instead of going to school, children have to work, since their early age, in mines and factories which are very dangerous, for very wages. If they refuse to work, they are beaten. So they cannot read write or count.

The families are very poor and have to live in just a little room, most often infested with insects and vermin.
Prostitution is increasing more and more, because it is often the only means for women to feed their family.

Un début pour t'aider.