
bonjour j'ai une correction d'anglais pouvez vous me corriger s'il vous plait en sachant que je ne suis pas très forte en anglais merci d'avance.
Forest Witaker was born in 1961 in Texas USA .In 1979 he was graduated in the school.In first part of its life in 1982 it turn the film the color of money which will leave in 1986.Thanks to the film Bird in 1988 it have the best actor award .In 1991/2204 he made a lot of successful films.

Bonjour Jai Une Correction Danglais Pouvez Vous Me Corriger Sil Vous Plait En Sachant Que Je Ne Suis Pas Très Forte En Anglais Merci Davance Forest Witaker Was class=

Répondre :

he was graduated from school
in the first part of his life in 1982. he turned the film: the color of money wich will leavein 1986.
thanks to the film Bird in 1988 he earned the best actor award
in 1991/2204 he made a lot of successful films

Forest Whitaker was born in 1961 in Texas, USA.
In 1979, he  had graduated from High School . After this first part of life till 1982, he appeared in Martin Scorsese's  "The Color of Money" movie, and Oliver Stone's "Platoon" . In  1988, he was considered as the greatest actor and won the Award of the best actor  for the movie "Bird".
In between 1991 and 2004 , he was again considered beyond the African-American best actors as Sydney Poitier, Denzel Washington and others. He was not only an actor but became as well a producer and a film director.

Tu as un pluperfect au début , des superlatifs et les grandes étapes de sa vie
je ne suis pas allé sur d'autres sites, je connais Platoon et La couleur de l'argent donc les noms des réalisateurs mais tu peux les enlever puisque ce n'est pas dans ta fiche .......

bonne fin de journée :)
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