
coucou les amies , j’espère que vous allez bien
svp j'ai besoin d'aide dans un devoir d'anglais , il faut distinguer les verbes dans ce paragraphe merci d'avance
-long ago there lived a king who had a daughter . the king was a good father . his daughter wanted to get married , so he and his wife decided to help her look for a husband . the king said : the one who brings us the most wonderful present can meet my daughter . if she falls in love with him , he can marry her .
people sent special presents to the castle . there were beautiful clay bowls , glasses , clocks , and coins . but not one of the presents was special enough

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si j'ai bien compris tu veux les verbes et peut-être leur base verbale

lived =  live (vivre)
had   =  have (avoir)
was =  be  (être)
wanted = want (vouloir)
get (BV) = obtenir, devenir (ça dépend du contexte)
married  participe passé de marry = marrier
decided = decide (décider)
help (BV) = aider
look for (BV) = chercher
said = say (dire)
brings = bring (apporter)
can = modal pour la possibilité pouvoir
meet (BV)
falls = fall (tober)
fall in love = tomber amoureuse(reux)
can et marry modal et verbe, déjà vus
sent = send (BV)  (envoyer)
were  et was= be

bonne soirée :)
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