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Les graffiti ont-ils toujours été considérés comme une forme d'art? (30 lignes)
Art ou vandalisme? (5O aines de mots en citant des arguments pour et contre les graffitis)

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Graffiti haven't always been considered as an artistic project. Those past years, they had to be removed as quickly as possible and it was quite expensive and difficult to get rid of them. People caught doing graffiti had a  strong penalty .
The graffiti  often were a sign of a gang membership in the States as tattoos and it could be dangerous.It was considered as vandalism , which is punishable as a crime.
But in fact , it had been existing from very ancient time, in Ancient Egypt with the hieroglyphic signs, Roman Empire (see the Lascaut caves) and many other countries as South America. They have allowed us to learn about those disappeared civilizations.
Nowadays, we don't talk anymore about graffiti, but Street Art, withe artists as Banski, Keith Harrings, Jean-Michel Basquiat. This Street Art is vary different from something which could been called vandalism.
I've named two American and one Haitian , but all over the world others artists exist. They became famous, but they first painted on walls.
In some countries, they allow some street artists, whether they are famous or not, to draw, paint, bomb spaces. 

Art or vandalism ?
It's not so difficult to name those graffiti if there are art or vandalism. 
It's just an evidence. Vandalism is named so because  it doesn't have any sense. It's only provocation. 
Street art, people often take photos, it's as  paintings. In fact they are paintings we sometimes would like to have at home. And for some of them, it's a sign of recognition. 

je m'arrête là. A modifier avec tes idées et opinions.....

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