
Aidez moi c'est urjent
Sujet: The city where you live is polluted ; rubbish is everywhere and smoke coming out of big factories is poisoning the inhabitants. Write a letter of complaint to the Mayor of your city in which you draw his attention to the urgency of the situation by listing the serious effects of pollution.
Merci d'avance

Répondre :

Dear Mayor,

Me and numerous citizens are complaining and angry about the environmental issue of our beloved town.
For many centuries, the life quality and the greenery of the city attracted many new residents with them many new opportunities for the economical growth and general prosperity.

But in the last decades, all changed, our township is very well know in the region for the harshest life conditions that it can exist in whole state. In listening the name of our city, many people think directly about dusty winds, all year long air pollution, insalubrious streets and rampant industrialisation.
We dont care about what outside people think about our town, but the problem is here and we are enduring the consequences of the politics and unawareness of our representors of the past.

Last month, eighteen peoples who lived with good health and physical conditions are dead of the untoxicating air that we all breathe.
In the same month, one third of the population suffered of an important epidemia of diarrhea provoced by an unexpected pollution of drinking water that flow from our taps.
Just in the last week, seven patients were diagnosed by the local medical center for have been bitten by rats, dangerous animals who live and reproduce freely in the open air garbage that we call street.
The food produced in the surrounding area is so contaminated that we are obligated to put into debt for buy imported but healthier aliment.

There is more and more complaints that we, people of this desolated town, can fill.
We are just demanding a better life condition, we are waiting for your actions, if you dont take steps, We promise that every person in "your" city will move and let it become a ghost town.

In the waiting of your esperated response,
