
Bonsoire urgent svp pour lundi j'ai ma tâche final c'est d'écrire une lettre à la famille d'accueil en Australie en anglais c urgentt Merci quand même

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I am sorry to write to you so late. But I just learn that my plane has been delayed and will arrive at the airport on Tuesday at 12:00. I hope you will wait for me at the gate in front of the airport. You may recognize me because I shall wear a red hat. I would be pleased to know in advance if it is necessary that I wear something hot, because I heard that the weather in Australia may be cold in June. Here in France, it is really hot today. If you don't appear at the gate, I will call you over the mobile phone. or you can call me on my phone, under the number 099 123 45 67. I also would like to know the value of the electric tension in Australia, because my shaving apparatus is working on 220 Volts. Do I need an adapter ? Hopefully I can buy such a trick somewhere around in case of necessity.
I look forward to my seeing you in a couple of days,
Yours friendly,