
Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un aurait l'amabilité de me corriger ce texte, s'il vous plait ! J'ai essayé de corriger par moi meme mais je trouve encore qu'il y a des fautes , merci d'avance !

Simpsons is a television series of American animation created in 1987 by Matthew Abram Groening this one been born on February 15th, 1954 in Portland, Oregon, is an American author of comic strip. Staging the daily of a family of the medium class. The first broadcasting took place on December 17th, 1989 on network Fox .

The Simpson family is composed of five members:

Homer is head of family lover but idler , unthinking, stupid and childish father. He like to watch at television by drinking Duff, its lucky beer.It is also obsessed by the food, notably by pork chops and donuts. He works on the nuclear power station of Springfield as representative for security but crosses his days to sleep.

Marge , woman in the home careful . More calm and more thoughtful, she assures a stable with the impulsive side of her husband , not refusant an incursion on the side of madness not from time to time.

Bart, small boys of ten old, more interested by stupidity that studies. He plays the worst towers his father and to the staff of its school. Charmer and leader, he is the contrast of her sister Lisa with whom it is often in conflict. It loves making leg-pulls in the Tavern of Moe

Lisa, exceptionally little girl of 8 old. Lisa is enthralled of music and play of the saxophone. Environmentalist, Buddhist and feminist, its political firm belief is apparently democratic and rather liberal.Lisa often represents the voice of reason in series, But nobody listens to here because people of its age finds her ringarde.( je pense que la phrase souligné ne veut rien dire? car voici ce que je voudrais dire "Lisa incarne souvent la voix de la raison dans la série, mais elle est rarement écoutée car les enfants de son âge la trouvent ringarde."

Maggie, the endless infant of the family. Maggie is one old does not know how to speak, but she is however aware perfectly of all that takes place around her. It also showed a certain talent again and again in the handling of guns >.( ce qui est souligner je n'arrive pas à la traduire je voudrais dire cela :"Elle a également montré à plusieurs reprises un certain talent dans le maniement des armes à feu. ")

he family has also two pets: the dog Santa's Little Helper, rather close to Bart, and the cat Snowball, rather close to Lisa.

they live in Springfield is a small typically American city, with its grocery, its school, its town hall, its guardhouse, its bar, its shopping centre, its nuclear power station and its Simpsons family. Caricature of the medium American family, Simpsons lives 742 in Evergreen Terrace

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Je t'ai corrigé les fautes, assez nombreuses d'ailleurs.
Quelques problèmes de grammaire, conjugaison, et ponctuations.
Tu trouveras les fautes, ajouts et ajustements en gras.

The Simpsons is an American animated series created in 1987 by Matthew Abram Groening, born February 15,1954 in Portland, Oregon. 
He's an American comic book writer. It depicts the daily life of a middle-class family. The first broadcast took place on 17 December 1989 on Fox TV.

Fisrt of all, the Simpson family consists of five members: 

- Homer is the head of the family, but he is a lazythoughtlessstupid and childish father. He enjoys watching television while drinking Duff beer, his lucky beer, but he is also obsessed with food, especially pork chops and doughnuts. He works at the Springfield Nuclear Generating Station as a safety agent but spends his days sleeping.

- Marge, housewifeCalmer and more attentive, she ensures stability with her husband's impulsive side, not refusing an incursion into madness from time to time.

- Bart, a 10-year-old boy, more interested in stupidity than education
He plays the worst tricks on his father and school staffCharming and leader, he is the contrast of his sister Lisa with whom he is often in conflict. He loves making jokes on the phone at Moe's Tavern.

- Lisa, an exceptional 8-year-old girl. She is fascinated by music and plays the saxophone. Environmentalist, Buddhist and feminist, his political conviction is apparently democratic and rather liberal.
In the series, Lisa often represents the voice of reason, but no one listens to her because of her young age.

- Maggie, is the last child in the family. She doesn't know how to speak, but she is nevertheless perfectly aware of everything that is happening around her.
She has also shown a certain talent in the handling of firearms on several occasions.

This family also has two pets: the dog, Santa's Little Helper, fairly close to Bart, and the cat, Snowball, fairly close to Lisa.

Finally, they live in Springfield, a small, typically American town, with its grocery store, school, town hall, security post, bar, shopping mall, nuclear power station and Simpsons family. A caricature of the middle-class American family, the Simpsons live at 742 Evergreen Terrace.

J'ai fait de mon mieux..

Bon courage !