
Bonjour à tous, je prépare mon bac oral d'anglais et je voulais savoir si sur cette notion, mon texte est correct.

Merci de votre aide ! (texte ci-dessous)


The Brexit – why and how did it happen and what effect will it have on Europe?

I'm going to deal with the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. This notion deals with the idea of giving one thing and receiving another in return (exchange) and also with the places (or «spaces») where these exchanges take place. Today, i would like to speak about the United Kingdom and the BREXIT. So I can give a second definition of the notion, more specific for the subject.
We can also understand this notion with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between them and different societies or even countries.
We can ask ourselves why and how did it happen ?

First of all, we can construe the word « brexit » : a departure is also an exit . Here what is reffered to is the exit of Britain from the EU : it makes BREXIT.
June 23d will forever hold a significant date in history cause this is the day that nation has voted to leave European Union. So UK is « now » out of the EU. To this date, we knew that 51,9% voted leave against 48,1 who voted remain, the score was really thight !
To see that this result had a big impact, we can take a look to this first document wich shows some front pages from just after the referendum. We can see that both the headlines and the photos seem very contrasted. Some of them are celebrating the news ( Daily Mail, the Sun, the Daily Express) with their large bold headlines, showing the Union Jack, people are cheering . While the other newspapers (The Guardian, Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph) seem to focus on the gravity of the situation portraying pictures of David Cameron, the Prime Minister obviously in shock and thoughful...
This also show the big impact that the referendum had on the entire world cause Britain is one of the most important land in the world. This situation has a mondial spoke.
But why people voted leave ?
For "Brexiters", an exit of the EU is the only way for the British to find the control of their fate and a full sovereignty. They also wish to gain better control on immigration. Furthermore, they considered that what brought the EU in the United Kingdom did not compensate what was paid.
Wich bring us to take a look at my second document, a cartoon made by Joe Heller. Here, he has depicted globalism. The whole world has become a vastly interconnected space with businesses operating as the big fish with a worried expression on its face. Here, the big fish of globalism is being attacked by a fish-shaped larger school of veracious fish. We can read the words «nationalism», «hate» or «racism», the third simply bears the colours of the Union Jack.
Unfortunately, this is clearly a commentary on Brexit, wich Joe Heller sees as the triumph of nationalism and xenophobia over the efforts of states and people to work together... Globalisation and globalism have created serious imbalances in national economies and nation states, wich has leads to difficulties, resentment and protests. And these protests particulary in Europe and the USA, are tinted with racism and xenophobia...

To conclude, we can say that this referendum is the reflect of some serious problems between UK and other spaces in the world and the relationship that they maintain... By breaking all ties with Europe, this referendum will induce several changes, with big impact on the land...
At the moment, several Brexiters are asking themselves if it was really worth it, but it is too late now, their relationship with the EU is broken.

Répondre :

Bonjour, déjà il y a une répétition du mot "deal" dans ton introduction donc tu pourrais plutôt dire: "I'm going to talk about the notion of Spaces and exchanges"