
Bonsoir, pouvez-vous m'aider svp? J'ai un devoir anglais à faire.
Tu es l'élève référente, réussite de ton établissement.prépare un discours dans lequel tu conseilles à tes camarades plusieurs pistes de prégressions.

Comme:should, shouldn't.
Diet food
Behaviour .

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Hello guys, i'm very glad to be here and to do a speech in order to make school more easier for you. Even if i have good mars, i need to work everyday. I wanna you to progress and make school a routine. First hear this saying:"nothing comes grom nothing". If you want to progress you just need to work! It's also very important to listen in class, in order to have a better understanding of the lesson. To be the best, you have to merit it. You should also do some sport. Some scientifist said that the sport allows to have better marks. You shouldn't be sad or say that you're bad at school, just due to bad marks.Indeed you need to trust on you, and say negative thing, this is harmful for you. Otherwise the work is the key !  good luck in your road to good marks