
Bonjour c’est un exercice sur le past simple vs le past perfect si vous pouvais m’aider svp je l’ai déjà commencer mais je ne pense pas que c’est bon

Bonjour Cest Un Exercice Sur Le Past Simple Vs Le Past Perfect Si Vous Pouvais Maider Svp Je Lai Déjà Commencer Mais Je Ne Pense Pas Que Cest Bon class=

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Pour t'aider à mieux comprendre :

explication = le past perfect parle d'une action passée antérieure à une autre action passé.

Donc l'action la + éloignée dans le passé --> past perfect

                       la - éloignée dans le passé  --> past simple

past perfect------> past simple-------------> présent (now)

a- When I came home my mother had already cooked dinner.

b- By the time she got to the cinema her boy friend had already bought the tickets.

c- She had already studied German before she moved to Berlin.

d- When she entered the room the concert had already begun.

e- My son only played computer after he had finished studying.

f- I had sent a message before I met them.

g- They hadn't had much fun ny the time Lauren arrived.

h- He had called her four times before she answered the phone.


a- Jason had found a new job when he went to London.

b- After we had paid we left the restaurant.

c- She lost the handbag her mother had given for her birthday.

d- Julia went to the doctor because she hadn't eaten well for five days.

e- When he reached the station the train had already gone.

f- When the plane landed they had already arrived at the airport.

Bonne soirée ☺☺☺

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