
Bonjour qui pourrait m aider à un exercice en anglais (pièce jointe)

1) Présenter le document (nature,titre,auteur,date,source,sujet)

2) Chercher les infos suivantes :
Who ?
Where ?
When ?
Subject ?
Puis rédige une phrase de résumé

3) Donnez des infos sur Sonia et Cantona (identity,job,nickname,when possible,Salary)

4) She is blind
-Trouve la signification de blind
-Trouve dans le texte une phrase qui exprime la même idée
-Cite des phrases qui mettent en valeur l extrême pauvreté de Sonia
-Donne des renseignements sur la famille de Sonia
-Fais des hypothèses sur sa vie

5) Analyser
Pourquoi parle t-on de Sonia et Éric dans le mêmes texte ? Quel est le rapport entre ces deux personnages ? Pourquoi sont ils mis en opposition ? Cherche des phrases montrant l ironie du journaliste vis à vis d Éric Cantona

A la fin de l article il y a un schéma
Quel type d information est apporté ?
Pourquoi le journaliste a t’il fait le choix de faire figurer ce schéma ?

Merci de m aider bonne journée

Bonjour Qui Pourrait M Aider À Un Exercice En Anglais Pièce Jointe Exercice 1 Présenter Le Document Naturetitreauteurdatesourcesujet 2 Chercher Les Infos Suivan class=

Répondre :

Réponse :

1) This document called The King And I is an article written by the issue of New Internationalist in july 1997. The subject is Helping child labour.

2) Eric Cantona and Sonia

Manchester, England

on july 5th 1997

Eric's success and his project of helping child labour. And sonia's talent of stitching soccer balls despite her blindness.

The article shows Eric Cantona's success suring the year, he was abdicated as king of english soccer, electes French captain in manchester united, earned 32000 dollars a week, started acting, advertising and poetry finally he volunteered in a project to help child labour. And Sonya an 11 year old girl who has lost her sight at 7 but stitches balls to make money.

3) Eric Cantona ia a French english soccer player and actor who makes about 32000 dollars a week from soccer alone. Eric's is nicknamed 'King'.

Sonia is an 11 year old girl from India who is a big fan of Cantona and has gone completelly blind at the age of seven but makes monery out of stitching soccer balls from touch. she makes about 27 cents for each two balls which is not enough to muy a litre of milk.

4) Blind is someone who has lost their sight or can't see from birth.

" it went completly dark in front of my eyes"

"she makes 27 cents which is not enough to buy a litre of milk"

Sonia's mother is ill and she lives with her aunt who helps her with her job.

I think, Sonia is a very stong willed girl who works to help herself and her familly dispite her blindness. i also thing that she has had a hard life her extreme pauvrety.

5) Sonia and Eri are both mentionned in the same text because both make money out of soccer, Eric is soccer player and Sonia stitches soccer balls.

secondly, the text is about child labour, Eric is in a project against child labour while Sonia works for her familly at the age of 11.  Also it compares their outcomes, sonia makes 27 cents from two balls sold whil Eric makes 32000 dollars from soccer alone. Finaly, i think it's because Sonia is a big fan of Eric.

The graphique shown, represents the biggest importers of spot goods from india between 1995 and 1996. it shows how much products are imported from india, a poor country to American and europeean countries which are rich.

Bonne chance.