

qui peu me corrigé le texte merci pour votre aide.

I/ Introduction

The picture is a cartoon. Whe don't kwon when it was published. It probably appared in a magazine. We don't have information abouti the autor of this draw. It is about opposition between two parts of people.
First I will describe the picture, then I will try to analysis. Finally I will give my opinion.
II/ Description
We can see to picture, the first one on the left is a little birdwho holds a rope in his mouth. Below, the autor writes "early birds".
On the right, we can see an other bird : an owls. Il tient dans sa bouche l'autre bout de la corde. Below, the autor writes "night owls".

The letters for the first birds and the second aren't the same.
The first one is written in tiny letters and the second one in capital letters