
Bonsoir à tous j'aurai besoin d'un coup de mains pour vérifier si ma traduction est correcte est pas besoin de faire du google traduction c'est déjà fait (petit malin qui serait tenté;).L'exercice de base est faire un speech en anglais.Ou j'en suis??j'ai déjà tous fait juste besoin d'une vérification.Merci d'avance

Amis, camarades, cher professeurs
Écoutez-moi,aujourd’hui, j’ai décidé de passer un message. Celui d’accéder au bonheur.
Un droit ,trop souvent dépouillé, abusé, mais surtout incompris pour la plupart.
Chacun de vous, c’est un jour demandé quel était son but dans la vie. Quelle était votre vocation par exemple. Peut-être vous a-t-on déjà posé cette question ?,Que veux-tu être plus tard ?.
un enfant, a osé répondre simplement,“Heureux”.
Ils lui ont alors dit qu’il n’avait pas compris la question.Cette enfant leur donna une seule réponse en retour “Alors vous n’avez pas compris la vie”
Finalement,un travail peut-il simplement nous rendre heureux?
Non,ce n’est qu’une contrainte.
Mais est-ce qu'un bonheur existe autre part?
Vous l’avez cherché en vain, vous avez dépassé les limites que vous vous étiez fixées,vous avez cherché encore et encore.Vous saviez au plus profond de votre être qu’il était tout prêt, il n’attendait que d'être délivré.
C'était la chance de votre vie,à chaque pas,à chaque limite franchie, vous vous en approchiez.
Après des heures ,des années passées, et enfin, la délivrance était là.
Mais ,passé autant de temps à chercher cette perle rare,
vous ne seriez pas passé à côté de si petit détail,qui fait de la vie ce qu’elle est ?
C’est aussi vrai,
l’enfant et l’homme avaient tous les deux torts,ou raisons, cela dépend tout simplement de notre point de vue.
Pour une fois ,nous sommes les seuls à dépendre de la variante et à décider ou se trouve le véritable bonheur. Dans les petits détails, tel un sourire, une naissance, un renouveau ,ou ,à rechercher l'aventure, et viser toujours plus haut?
En vérité, il se trouve partout, il faut juste savoir ouvrir les yeux et l’apprécier.
Un homme a dit:” La chance est un hasard, le bonheur une vocation.”(Alexandru Vlahuta)

Friends, comrades, dear teachers
Listen to me ,today, I decided to send a message. That of accessing happiness.
A right, too often stripped, abused, but mostly misunderstood for the most part.
Each of you is asked one day what was his purpose in life. What was your vocation, for example? Perhaps you have already been asked this question?, What do you want to be later?
a child, dared to answer simply, "Happy".
They told him that he did not understand the question.This child gave them a single answer in return
"Then you did not understand life"
Finally, can a job simply make us happy?
No, it's just a constraint.
But does happiness exist elsewhere?
Certainly yes.
You have searched for it in vain, you have exceeded the limits that you had set yourself, you have sought again and again. You knew in the depths of your being that he was ready, he was waiting only to be delivered .
It was the chance of your life, at every step, every limit you reached, you approached it.
After hours, years past, and finally, the deliverance was there.
But, spent so much time looking for this rare pearl,
you would not have missed such a small detail, which makes life what it is?
It's also true,
the child and the man were both wrong, or reasons, it simply depends on our point of view.
For once, we are the only ones to depend on the variant and to decide where the real happiness is. In the small details, such as a smile, a birth, a renewal, or, to seek adventure, and aim always higher?
In truth, it is everywhere, you just have to know how to open your eyes and appreciate it.
A man said: "luckChance is a chance, happiness a vocation."

Répondre :


Très beau speech, par contre essaies de faire attention aux petites fautes d'orthographes (en français évidement, anglais je peux comprendre).

Voilà ma version, j'ai réorganisé quelques phrases et changé quelques mots :)

Friends, comrades, dear teachers,

Listen to me, today I decided to send you a message. 
The one of access to happiness.
A right that is too often stripped, abused, but above all misunderstood by most people.
Each of you has one day wondered what your purpose was in life. 
What was your vocation, for example ?

Maybe you've already been asked that question.
What do you want to do later?
A child, dared to simply reply:"To be happy".
They asked him if he understood the question.
This child gave them one answer in return:"Then you didn't understand life..."
Finally, can a job just make us happy ? 
No, it's just a constraint.But is there a happiness somewhere else ?
Yes, certainly.
You searched for it in vain, you went beyond the limits you had set for yourself, you searched again and again.

You knew in the depths of your being that it was ready to be delivered.
It was the chance of your life, at every step, at every limit crossed, you were getting closer to it. 
After hours, years, and finally, the deliverance was there.

But spending so much time looking for that rare pearl, 
you wouldn't have missed such small details, which make life what it is? 
It is also true that both the child and man were wrong, or right, it simply depends on our point of view.

For once, we are the only ones who depend on the variant and decide where true happiness lies. 
In the small details, such as a smile, a birth, a renewal, or, looking for adventure, and aiming ever higher?
In truth, it is everywhere, you just have to know how to open your eyes and appreciate it.
A man said:"Luck is chance, happiness is vocation." (Alexandru Vlahuta) 

PS: Ne me demande pas si j'ai utilisé google traduction ou encore ces autres sites de traduction approximatifs car la réponse est évidement NON. WordReference est mon seul fidèle compagnon ;)

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