
Bonjour j’ai une tache final écrite en anglais il s’agit de définir ce qu’est l’harcèlement (définition générale +l’es différentes formes ) ensuite de présenter deux exemples de situation de l’harcèlement (avec des expliquation ) et puis donnez 5 conseil aux victimes qui on déjà subi un harcèlement et 5 conseil a tout le monde pour éviter le harcèlement

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Bullying has been a problem in many schools for a long time. It can take many forms: insults, mocking, physical violence, excluding people or forcing them to give money to the bully. Recent forms are bullying by text messaging, taking embarrassing photos with mobiles and sending them to other people. It's difficult to combat because many victims don't know who is sending the messages.

European and North American schools are trying different systems to combat bullying.

In some schools, pupils volunteer to be mediators - pupils who are being bullied can talk to them and the mediators organise meetings with the bulliers and try to resolve the problems. The idea is that kids are happier to talk to other kids than to adults and they will talk about problems before they get serious.

In other schools the older pupils are mentors for the younger pupils who ask for help. Pauline explains, "I was being bullied and I talked to Marie, an older pupil, because she could understand. She told me about problems she had and we talked about ways I could try to stop the bullying."

A UK radio station started an anti-bullying campaign last year and asked people to wear blue bracelets that said "Beat Bullying". Wearing the bracelet shows you won't tolerate bullying and it shows victims that they aren't alone.

The biggest message is: talk to someone about your problems. It can be a parent, a teacher, a friend or an anonymous phone helpline, but it's important to know that you are not alone.